Immunisations 13.3.23
Reminder the school nurse will be attending Bryngwyn on 13/03/23 to immunise for HPV.
Immunising the whole of year 8 (1st dose)
The whole of year 9 (2nd dose)
Consent forms will be sent out for those in year 8 and need to be returned by Tuesday 7.3.23 and Friday 10.3.23.
Consent forms for year 9 will be reused from last year to receive their second dose, if any health needs have changed, if they do not wish their child to receive their second dose, or if they have any queries please ring myself on 07816124741.
Those who have missed in years 10 and 11 will either receive a consent form if receiving their first dose or original consent forms will be used to receive their second dose. Please inform myself if they do not want their child to complete the course or if any health needs have changed.
Please ensure the children eat breakfast the morning of the 13th.