We'd like to thank Mrs Alison Alderman for her significant role in fundraising for the Salvation Army this year.
Like Santa she's made a list, she's checked it twice, no-ones naughty, everyone is nice...
The money has been totalled and this is the result:
TOTAL £2991.50
The breakdown is as follows
Year 7 raised £783.90
Year 8 raised £361.65
Year 9 raised £841.51
Year 10 raised £520.90
Year 11 raised £230.00
ASDAN raised £130.00
other Donations raised £30.00
The highest raised was £171.46 by 9:5 closely followed by £160.00 raised by 7-7
A few of this year’s best fundraisers were
Kalem D yr 9
Caelyn M yr 7
Olivia D yr 7
Luke R yr 7
Kaitlin P yr 7
Well done to Yr 10s Jac C and Leon D for helping with the appeal as a part of their DofE.
Thank you to Yr 11s Dan C and Will G for helping Miss Alderman with the counting of the monies!
Well done to all the pupils that worked hard to raise money for this great cause!!
A classroom turned into Santa's Grotto for the day!