VE Day Bank Holiday 8th May 2020
VE Day Bank Holiday 8th May 2020
To all in our community,
Good afternoon, just a brief email to wish each and every one of you and your families our best wishes over this bank holiday weekend. Tomorrow is a bank holiday and no schoolwork will be set. I hope that all of you in our community will take the time afforded to you this weekend to appreciate time with family, especially on what promises to be a weekend of good weather.
VE Day, is a time to reflect on both the celebrations and sacrifices that came after 6 years of war. It marked the ending of conflict in Europe in May 1945 (though fighting continued in the Far East until August 1945). At these difficult times, it is worth reflecting on the sacrifices that made by many thousands of people during very difficult times 75 years ago.
The vast majority of those involved in the fighting on the allies’ side were civilians, conscripted into the armed services. The workers in the factories, farms and other industries were recruited from civilian life in other areas.
As we face new and unprecedented challenges in our present circumstances, it will be worth taking a moment or two tomorrow to reflect on the sacrifices in the past that have given us the freedoms that we have sometimes taken for granted in the present. These present times mean that we have had some of these freedoms curtailed, and we all now appreciate what we have missed more than ever.
Seventy-five years ago, those sacrifices had been made every day for 6 years; VE Day when it came was truly a time for celebration!
Thanking you all for your efforts and contributions
Have a lovely weekend, please stay safe.
Paul Jones